Day #2392 (Fri., July 22, 2016) – Consignment Sale In Raleigh
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My wife and Genevieve went to a consignment sale in Raleigh today.
Cameron was having a hard time putting Bobby to bed so since I had the day off I took over so she could take Katie to the pool. Cameron said that Katie swims like a dolphin these days.
My wife picked up a lot of goods. She told Genevieve that she was looking for a high chair as it would be easier to feed Bobby so it looks like she is going to return the one that we loaned her.
I returned the sun screen that I bought at Trader Joe’s the other day as my wife tells me that it is not as good as the one we already get online.
Bobby threw up over both my wife and I this evening. You can see the “result” in the photo to the left. I’m not exactly sure why he is throwing up so much these days.