Day #2399 (Fri., July 29, 2016) – Running After Bobby

2016-07-29 - Julie Andrew's BookThe photo to the left shows one of the books that we have recently started reading to Katie. It was written by Julie Andrews of “Mary Poppins” and “The Sound of Music” fame.

Katie didn’t want to go swimming today. She wanted to stay around the house and play Monopoly, and Cameron was happy to oblige.

I had to stop off at the bank this afternoon to pick up some money for Cameron. This is her last day as our babysitter as Arnesa is back on Monday, but we plan to keep in touch with her. In fact, she has agreed to pick up Katie from school, etc. when we need her.

Bobby sure loves his car drives. When we let him out of the house the first thing he will do it run to the car door and point and say “ish”. He especially loves it when I let him honk the horn. Actually I have to honk it as he can’t push it hard enough…but he certainly goes through the motions.

I’m gradually learning how to put the knee brace on so that it not only feels better but does its job better at taking pressure off those two bones that are scraping together. I’m a bit worried about having to chase after Bobby as he gets more mobile but I’m encouraged by how much quicker I can move with this brace on. My wife mentioned how I was “running” around the house, which was very encouraging. Let’s hope that it gets even better over time.