Day #2406 (Fri., Aug 5, 2016) – Bobby Honks The Horn
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I dropped Katie off at Kidzoo for science camp this morning. She told me that she was surprised that nobody wished her Happy Birthday when she turned 6 1/2 a few weeks ago. I told her that people typically don’t celebrate 1/2 birthdays. She wanted to know when her next birthday was and I told her that we will have to get Halloween out of the way first. I told her that she might want to think of what we should dress up as this year since when Bobby turns two he will probably already have some idea as to what he wants to be during Halloween.
Today is the last day of science class so they gave Katie a T-shirt. Next week Katie will be going to KidZoo for Spy Camp.
Bobby has liked to take drives and get into the driver’s seat of my car for a while now. Today however he had enough “muscle” to sound the horn (see photo to the right).
Bobby has found another interest as of late…sweeping. This evening he came to my bedroom and took out a broom and put it through its paces. Unfortunately, as soon as children learn how to do this well they no longer want to do it.
Bobby was up in the middle of the night crying. Very cold hands. Looks like he is coming down with something.