Day #2408 (Sun., Aug 7, 2016) – Bobby & Charlotte
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Katie is feeling much better this morning but still not 100%. When my wife put Bobby to bed for his nap she went to have a nap as well. Katie and I ended up playing origami together. The book she had was a bit too difficult to follow so I found some instructions on YouTube. We ended up making a butterfly and a dolphin and wrote a little story of how the dolphin wanted to learn how to fly so the butterfly picked her up and flew her around in the sky (see photo to the left).
We have a new neighbor in the house that Gabby and her family used to live in. It is Courtney and her dog Charlotte. While I was at the gym this afternoon the rest of the family stopped by to say hello. I guess that Charlotte took a real shine to Bobby and they took turns chasing each other around the house. Courtney said that this is the first time she has ever seen her not jump up and down on someone. I guess that she realizes Bobby is just a young boy and needs to be treated gently.