Day #2413 (Fri., Aug 12, 2016) – Talking Bobby
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My wife picked up a couple of Mary Poppins “sing-along” books (see photo to the left). They have both piano and guitar chords and notes. Now if we could only find time to learn them…
Katie wanted another treat from the vending machine when I dropped her off at Kidzoo this morning. She spent her own quarter and got a candy ball with a “surprise center”. I asked her what would happen if the surprise center was a wildebeast. She said “Oh dad, that’s just silly”.
My wife took Katie to see CiCi this afternoon to get her hair cut. They had lunch at McDonald’s afterwards.
Bobby is starting to talk more and more these days. We can see him try to formulate words.
Gunther stopped by this evening…without his parents. I guess he was outside playing with his dog Ginger and wandered over to our house to play. When Ginger returned home and Gunther didn’t he came looking for him.
I was teasing Arnesa this evening by asking her if she still wanted ginger to deal with her morning sickness… She could always take the dog Ginger home with her…