Day #2414 (Sat., Aug 13, 2016) – House Guest Ginger
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I stopped off at the Farmer’s Market in Chapel Hill this morning for some more fresh fish. This time I got “Jolthead Porgy”. It was a lot cheaper than the swordfish that I got last week and not that bad. Bobby likes it too but Katie is at the age where the only fish she likes is fish sticks I’m afraid.
We had Ginger over at our house for most of the day as our neighbors have gone to a wedding in Ohio. As a result Katie wanted to stick around the house rather than go to a movie or something. She wants to see “The Secret Life Of Pets” tomorrow instead.
Ginger is a nice friendly dog but doesn’t seem to do much… Kind of like a nice “Dufus Carpet Sample” walking around the house. She eyed an unaware Batman at one point and boy did Batman ever take off. As a result we never saw him again for hours and hours. You can see the look on Batman’s face this morning before the encounter. Do you think he’s enjoying having Ginger as a house guest?
Seeing Bobby interact with Ginger has got my wife to thinking about getting a dog. She’s always wanted a German Shepherd so maybe one of those? A puppy so it is not as set in it’s ways and will interact with the cats better perhaps?