Day #2415 (Sun., Aug 14, 2016) – “The Secret Life Of Pets” Movie
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Katie wanted to go see the “Secret Life Of Pets” today for Daddy/Daughter Day #48. As it has been out for a couple of weeks we had only a couple of choices in theater locations. We tried to get into the 11am showing at SilverSpot but it was sold out (due to the fact that the theater room was rather small), so we bought a couple of tickets to the 2:15pm show and went home for a couple of hours.
At 1pm I took Katie to Kidzoo for an hour so she could play. She found a raccoon mask (see photo to the right) and started to hoard play vegetables in the area under the treehouse staircase. Kids seem to come up with some new adventure game to play with all the time.
They did not have kids meals at SilverSpot so I got Katie a whole bag of Twizzlers to enjoy.
We are starting to think ahead about getting a ride-on vehicle for Bobby for Christmas. I told my wife that I had a tractor and maybe we should start out with that. There are a number of ride-on tractors on Amazon to choose from. We’ll have to narrow the various choices down some more.