Day #2416 (Mon., Aug 15, 2016) – The Passport Office
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I dropped Katie off at Spence’s Farm this morning at 8:15am. This will be one of (if not the) final camp before school starts and she goes off to 1st grade. Unlike the last time she will get to see all the animals, not just the horses. It seems that she likes and misses the bunnies the most.
I talked to Amy at work about my wife wanting to get a German Shepherd dog. Amy owns a couple and I know that Laura, who works with my wife, also has a couple. Amy said that by getting a puppy you could train it to respond to cats in a certain way rather than a dog who is more set in it’s ways. She said that the cats might get irritated by a puppy though as they tend to be more energetic.
We had a 3:15pm meeting at the Chapel Hill Post Office to get passports for the kids. Both parents need to be there for legal reasons. My wife and Arnesa were commenting on how out of date the post office was (see photo to the right). I guess everything in Europe is digital, not all these forms that need to be filled out manually and mailed away. I loved the 70’s theme wood paneling… 🙂
My wife told me that Spence’s Farm has a new feature…organic vegetables. We bought some and will pick them up tomorrow when we pick Katie up from camp.
This evening I went to the gym but not Trader Joe’s. Sometimes it’s better not to go and get a grocery or two as you end up buying this and that and filling up the fridge.
My wife talked about getting a tractor for Bobby. There is one that is electric and has a front-end loader. I know that Bobby would like it but we’ll wait til he gets a bit older. A pedal version looks like it will work for him at this age.