Day #178 (Wed., June 30, 2010) – Bomb Scare?
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Just before I left for work this morning my wife brought little Katie to me to say good-bye. She is going out for a stroll. Of course she gave me that precious smile when I waved to her and said “Hi”…

Little Katie spent a lot of time out on the patio getting some fresh air. They say that babies should spend about 2 hours each day in the fresh air, so she sure got her portion today. In order to keep all the bugs and mosquitoes and creepy crawlies off her my wife put mosquito netting on top of the crib she was in. You can see the whole arrangement in the photo to the right.
On the way home from work today they found what they think is a bomb on the highway (yes you read it right…a bomb). They totally shut down the highway so I had to find an alternate route home. Since everyone else was looking for said “alternate route”…it proved to be quite the long ride getting home. By the time I got home little Katie was sleeping soundly…
We later found out that it was not a bomb…just three sticks of foam wrapped up together.
1) Little Katie spent a lot of time on the patio today.