Day #2444 (Mon., Sept. 12, 2016) – Pulling Off Radio Knob

Ginger was at door at 7am this morning. Steve says he has fixed the electric fence so he came to get Ginger and put her inside. Let’s see how long this lasts…

It was hard to get Katie ready for school this morning. We ended up getting at the “Kiss & Go” at 7:36am.

2016-09-12-radio-knobI stopped off at the lady who sold me the brace. She told me that the pad wore out which was expected, so she gave me a gel version that lasts longer. Who expected it? I sure didn’t… Go figure…

I gave Bobby a ride in the car this evening. He loves to play with the buttons and managed to pull the radio knob off (see photo to the right). Fortunately it just snaps in place but I feel that I will be doing a lot of “snapping in place” with this knob in the future.

It is getting harder and harder to keep Bobby on the ground and to stop him from climbing on everything. This evening he stood on my bed and I was afraid that he would fall off it.

Daddy is getting a cold. Bobby’s nose is running so I’m getting what he has. He has started to get sick now that Arnesa is taking him to the park. Oh oh…wait til he brings back all those germs from preschool.