Day #2445 (Tue., Sept. 13, 2016) – Bobby’s New Words
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Happy “National Peanut Day” everyone! (see photo to the right). Hard to believe that some people are allergic to these little treats… When I was a kid we lived off peanut butter sandwiches! I don’t remember anyone having an allergy to them back then.
I’m not feeling very well today. Bobby’s nose has been running and I think I have what he has… I decided to work from home and my wife took Katie to school this morning.
Bobby has learned to say a number of words as of late. He will say “si”…which means “Ginger Sit”. He will also say “Ga” which means “Go” and he will take off running. Arnesa has also taught him the gesture of opening and closing his hand, which is means “Ginger give me the ball”. Unfortunately Ginger is good at fetching but not very good at giving the ball back.
My wife called up Katie’s swim instructor and told her that her next lesson would be her last lesson for this year. Katie will be starting piano lessons with Miss Laura, who was her preschool teacher. Katie indicated that she wants Sarah or Carley to take her to class. She really doesn’t like Brittany very much.
I have been building a “tall tower” as of late with the red cardboard blocks that we bought for Katie when she was young. I will sing a song “Daddy is building a tall tower and nobody can knock it down…nobody can knock it down…nobody can knock it down…no no no”. Bobby will then come up with a big grin on his face and knock it over while I say “no no no” and pretend to push him away.