Day #2448 (Fri., Sept. 16, 2016) – Banana Monster
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I’m back to work today and drove Katie to Glenwood on the way. She told me that her favorite time of the day is recess because she gets to play “Banana Monster” with her friends. I guess Elle is the Banana Monster and tries to catch the other girls who play (i.e.: Katie, Murren, and Helen). Katie tells me that since Elle jogs with her mom she is fast and always catches her.
On the way to work I could not listen to the radio since Bobby plucked the knob off it and I could not turn up the volume. When I got gas I saw it lying on the floor. I will need to glue it in place to solve the problem…
My wife took Bobby to see his pediatrician today. You can see the stats in the photo to the left. He continues to make strides in the height area. His BMI is still pretty high but we’re sure he’ll get that down as he becomes more active.
We learned today that Katie is going to get another Gatorific Award for being such a nice person…cooperative and helpful. Here it is the first month of the school year and she is already getting recognized for what a wonderful person she is.
I gave Bobby some orange juice this evening. He hardly touched it. I guess it looks so much better when it comes from daddy’s glass.