Day #2449 (Sat., Sept. 17, 2016) – Arnesa’s Baby Shower
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My wife took Katie and Bobby to the park this morning. Unfortunately my knee is still sore so I stayed at home. It’s really too bad that I cannot enjoy taking Bobby to the park or Kidzoo at this exciting time of his life. I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday…let’s see what he has to say then.
Today is the day of Arnesa’s baby shower. You can see one of the cookies that my wife baked in the photo to the left. It was Katie’s favorite as it had a kittie. My wife took Katie over to Arnesa’s place while I stayed home and tended to Bobby. He had a long nap this afternoon (over 3 hours) but we did get some play time in the afternoon before they came back. Bobby likes to point to the lion over his changing table and loves it when I mimic the roar. We watched some lion videos on YouTube and Bobby tried out his roar as well.
Just before my wife returned Kai, one of Katie’s classmates, showed up at our front door and dropped off some money. I wasn’t sure who he was or what the money was for, but my wife told me later that it was probably for the headphones that she bought for Katie’s class now that she is a room parent this year.
About an hour or so after my wife and Katie returned they were off again. This time they went to a party at Violet’s house to celebrate September. Violet was a classmate of Katie’s in preschool, and since her parents are musicians they had a little concert at their house.
My wife told me that Katie has figured out that we don’t like it if she doesn’t try new foods so she will say that she likes something even when she doesn’t. I guess she said that she liked the mac and cheese at Violet’s place but didn’t eat it…