Day #2455 (Fri., Sept. 23, 2016) – Radio Flyer Trike
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The photo to the right shows the Radio Flyer trike that my wife picked up for Bobby at the consignment sale on Monday.
Katie was very fussy this morning and didn’t want to go to school. That’s what happens when you don’t get enough sleep! On the way to school I did my best to try to get her mind off of it as she was pouting and gradually working herself into a bad place. I started off by asking her if she knew what the smartest dog was? The poodle. This lead to the most intellectually challenged dog, the dalmatian. This lead to a story about the reason why dalmatians are found near fire stations…because they are good with horses and horses used to pull the fire trucks before motorized vehicles came along. This lead to what would happen if you bred one dog with another. For example, if you bred a lap dog that only wanted to sit on the couch with a labrador retriever what would you get? A dog who only wanted to fetch the remote? Somehow this lead to a discussion if horses did the horse paddle when they swam. Well, dogs do the dog paddle, why not? And on and on this went. By the time I dropped Katie off at school she was happy and laughing and ready to face the day. Mission accomplished!
Arnesa will be due in only a couple of months so we’ve cut her hours so she can rest more. She will be working fewer hours per day and taking Friday’s off.
Bobby made quite a #2 mess this evening so I sat next to him in the tub while he soaked. He’s fascinated more with spray bottles than he is in the bath toys we purchase for him.