Day #2458 (Mon., Sept. 26, 2016) – First Presidential Debate
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The photo to the left shows the ghost decoration that Katie put up on the window yesterday. Notice how it seems to be “floating” in our backyard…
My wife and I took time off work this morning to go see a knee specialist at UNC Ambulatory Care.
I spent a lot of time this evening playing with Bobby while my wife had a piano lesson with Katie in her bedroom. I found a big bucket of balls and Bobby enjoyed throwing them as I handed them to him one-by-one. Of course the smaller ones ended up in his mouth so I had to constantly have him spit them out into my hand.
Bobby has gotten a nasty habit of turning the television in the living room off now that he knows where the buttons are. He will stand on the window sill and click the buttons on the television and give you this look of pleasure as you get more frustrated. I guess we will need to put some cardboard over the buttons with duct tape to stop this behavior.
Tonight is the big night of the First Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. Bobby was not impressed and soon switched over to watching Hi-5.