Day #2464 (Sun., Oct. 2, 2016) – Bobby Is A Handful
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I thought I would show you the bite that Bobby made on my foot (see photo to the left). He will bite when he is frustrated and has even started to bite Arnesa as of late. This is definitely a behavior we will need to correct before he starts preschool. Fortunately, this bit mark disappeared later last night.
Bobby hit Katie in the eye with a pumpkin scooper this morning. My wife tells me that she cries for about an hour. Fortunately, there was no major damage.
I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this morning. Mushroom ravioli is a big hit with the kids so I got two packages of that. I got a lot of Halloween stickers.
While my wife napped this afternoon I played a concentration memory game with Katie. She is actually quite good as it.
Bobby has already destroyed the nerf sword I got for him yesterday. He started off by biting the handle and there are teeth marks in it now. He then ripped the end off of the handle. I’m glad this only cost me $1.00.