Day #2466 (Tue., Oct. 4, 2016) – Eating Chocolate Desks
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On the way to work this morning I was eating an egg. Katie asked me what I was eating because she thought it was candy. I told her that daddy doesn’t eat candy anymore as he is trying to lose weight. She replied that mommy ate chocolate and how much she loved chocolate and wished the whole world was made of chocolate. I told her that if this was the case her class would get no work done. The teacher would be trying to get them to pay attention and the class would be eating their desk. She got a kick out of that and I heard her mention it to the lady who opened the door for her at the “Kiss & Go”.
Bobby is fascinated with the book shown in the picture to the left. I will sit on the floor and he will sit between my legs and turn the pages. He loves this particular page as it shows all kinds of trucks and cars. I will point to each of them and make a vehicle “sound” and he will try to mimic.
This evening Katie was doing her homework and eating a bowl of strawberries. Bobby decided that he would take them, one by one mind you, over to me in the LazyBoy. When he was finished Katie had no strawberries and she was left wondering what happened.
Later in the evening, Bobby came to get Katie so that they could look at the spider decorations in the front of our house. Katie made a game of it by going with him half way and then turning around and running to the couch. Bobby would come back looking for her and the both would end up laughing. I’m sure Katie knew what the joke was. Bobby, he just likes to laugh when his big sister does.