Day #180 (Fri., July 2, 2010) – Little Katie’s First Solid Food
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I took little Katie out on a stroll around the lake this morning. My mother-in-law has been doing this as of late, so it’s been a while.
I found a new game to play with little Katie. I walk in front of the stroller, turn around, wave and say hi. When little Katie screams with delight, I turn around and go a bit further and do the same thing. Once I am a ways away I start the whole process in reverse til I’m beside the stroller again. Little Katie loves it…

The photo to the left shows little glass containers that we will be using to store little Katie’s baby food (like organic sweet potato) in the freezer.
Was little Katie ever hungry when we got back. My wife tells me that she has one way in which she knows she is starving. If she is taking her over to the rocking chair from the changing table she will spit the pacifier out and across the room. She knows that she is about to be fed and doesn’t want to waste any time.
Little Katie had her first bits of solid food today. I called up my mom on Skype so that she could see it. She didn’t take to it all that well…but I guess that is normal. She seemed more in the mood to play with it. She will gradually get used to the new tastes over time.
The choice of food was tossed around but settled on “organic sweet potato” with a bit of water…heated up. A lot of people choose cereal for the first meal, but here’s an article explaining the alternatives.
1) Little Katie had her first taste of solid food today.