Day #2477 (Sat., Oct. 15, 2016) – Picking Out Pumpkins
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The plans were to take the van and go pumpkin picking with the kids but it was not to be. It sounded real funny and started to shake soon after I got out of the driveway so we took it home. We’ll get Lloyd’s Tire to look at it on Monday.
Before we could take the Camry to go get pumpkins we needed to install Bobby’s car seat. Well, it just didn’t seem to feel secure so I drove to the fire department to get them to install it. Well, long story short, I had to wait for their tech to arrive at 2pm. Once we got the seat installed I could go home and pick up the kids.
We went to the pumpkin patch near where I work. I thought that Bobby would be more interested in the pumpkins than we was…you know, round ball-shaped things in bright orange. Oh well, you can see them roaming around in the photo to the left. Katie got to see a little Shih Tsu dog and said that this was the type of dog she wanted.
The Food Lion nearby had the best deal on pumpkins so we got two large ones from them. Another benefit was that Katie and Bobby got to ride in yet another supermarket shopping cart with steering wheels. Bobby was in his glory.
I stopped off at TJ’s for supplies this evening and my wife got me to pick up some children’s ibuprofen at Walgreens on the way home.