Day #2478 (Sun., Oct. 16, 2016) – Cat & Owl Pumpkin Designs
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The photo to the left shows the Food Lion shopping cart that Katie and Bobby had so much fun in yesterday.
My wife sent me an email this morning: “Bobby didn’t poop all day Saturday. At 5:25 am on Sunday morning he wakes up crying, I change the poopy diaper, tried to feed him oatmeal – ‘no no’. I take Bobby and a bottle of milk to his room, try giving milk. Bobby points his finger at the crib. I ask – ‘do you just want to go to bed’? He says ‘yes’, I put him to bed and 3 minutes later he is asleep!”.
Katie was very eager to carve the pumpkins today. I told her that I needed to have breakfast first. While I was cooking the turkey bacon I sat on the LazyBoy to watch some news. She said that it didn’t look like I was eating. I told her that I eat like she does…I have a bite and then watch television for an hour and don’t take another one til someone tells me to eat up. Point taken…
Katie picked out a cat face and an owl in front of a moon as the two designs for her pumpkins. We bought some professional type carving tools last year so it was much easier to carve them today. I did the cutting and Katie scooped out all the “pumpkin inerds” into a garbage bag. We had to hurry as we wanted to get this done before Bobby got up from his nap and “wanted to help”…
The kids were taking a bath this afternoon and somehow managed to turn the jacuzzi on. It scared both of them and they started to cry.
This evening Katie assembled some boxes in a makeshift stair fashion so that Bobby could get up onto her bed easier.