Day #2483 (Fri., Oct. 21, 2016) – Music Student Of The Quarter


We learned today that Katie is going to get yet another award at Glenwood. This time it is for “Music Student Of The Quarter” (see photo to the left). The ceremony will be held on November 1st at 9am. A while back we were wondering if Katie had much of a desire or any musical talent. We know now!

This is the last week for the State Fair here in Raleigh. Katie really enjoys it and this will be the first year that we will take Bobby. Katie will love seeing the animals again and Bobby will love all the cars and trucks. I don’t think that my legs will hold out so I’m going to be the chauffeur and drive them to and fro. The fact that I drive on the interstate and that I can drop them off and pick them up at the gate will save about an hour. This is important as we need to get Bobby home before his nap time. We plan to go tomorrow so that we can recover on Sunday.