Day #2484 (Sat., Oct. 22, 2016) – Bobby’s First State Fair
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We bundled up the kids and took them to the State Fair this morning. It was cold when I dropped my wife and kids off at the handicap entrance but was shirt sleeve weather when I picked them up a few hours later. My knee is preventing me from doing a lot of walking this year so I went to McDonald’s near Crabtree Valley Mall for a coffee and to surf the web while I waited for the text message to come pick them up.
I thought that Bobby would be all over the trains and cars and anything with “four wheels”. My wife told me that with all the animals around the thing that he wanted to do the most was push the stroller around. He did enjoy the little baby chicks, though.
The kids also enjoyed the carousel (see photo to the right). I guess Bobby cried and fussed like crazy when my wife went to take him off the carousel.
Katie got to see a children’s flower show. She had a corn dog, which she didn’t like too much, and some popcorn and chocolate ice cream. I thought she would be all over the cotton candy as it was always my favorite at the fair, but she enjoyed all these other treats instead. She did mention to me that she was sad she didn’t get to the see the dogs and baby pigs race…but took it in stride. My wife told me that she was a great help in regards to taking care of Bobby. She is such a great kid and wonderful older sister.
On the drive home, Bobby slept in the van. It has been quite the exhausting day for the little tyke.