Day #2485 (Sun., Oct. 23, 2016) – Conductor Katie
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Today was a “more relaxing day” than yesterday. We got to stay home all day except for the fact that my wife took Katie and Helen to a concert of the Chapel Hill Orchestra in the afternoon. Kasey was playing the bass and Kirsten, who we lent all the baby clothes too, was there. Katie even got to conduct the orchestra, something that I’m sure she will remember for the rest of her life.
While my wife and Katie were enjoying the concert I was home with Bobby waiting for a massive #2. It didn’t come, at least while I was tending to him, but I gave him three jars of prunes and oatmeal to “encourage” this feat. We spent a lot of time playing with this little toy robot that Katie found (see photo to the left). I’m not exactly sure where it came from. My wife thinks that I picked it up for Bobby at one of the consignment sales. Perhaps…not sure. At any rate, Bobby is fascinated with it. His eyes blink in bright red and he will walk til you shut him off. We put him on the red cardboard bricks to take a stroll and Bobby would grin and laugh when he fell off the end. Boys!
This evening Katie was able to pick out the tune to “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” on the piano. That’s quite the feat for someone as it means she has a good musical ear. I made a big deal out of it and told her that many people, including myself, would love to have this ability. As a reward, I told her that she gets a free tickle and she laughed and laughed.