Day #2496 (Thu., Nov. 3, 2016) – Bobby Turns The Robot On And Off
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With Halloween over Katie is turning her attention to her birthday. She told me that she is thinking of “plants” as the theme for her birthday party this year.
Another dance class for Katie today. Bobby got to watch Katie dance for the first time today.
I went to UNC Urgent Care this evening to have my “Great Toe” (as they call it) looked at. An ingrown toenail has become infected and they gave me some anti-biotics to help deal with the infection. I didn’t get home late as a result. Of course, this means that both Bobby & Katie were up when I got home…it’s hard to put them to bed when there is only one parent to deal with all that energy.
Bobby learned how to turn the robot on and off by his own finger this evening (see photo to the right). He would give a quick laugh after he was able to do this…a sign that he found the whole process “neat”. I was able to video the whole process…something that I think will be priceless in the coming years.