Day #2500 (Mon., Nov. 7, 2016) – Rushing Katie To The Doctor
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Katie was not feeling well after school this afternoon but had no fever. By 4:30 PM she was burning and shivering, at 7 pm she already had 102 F. Her strep test was negative, but the doctor said she they’ve seen lots of strep throat cases recently.

My wife called me on the way home from work this evening. Katie is sick and she wants to take her to the doctor. In the end, all four of us got into the van and I drove them to Urgent Care at Dr. Homan’s office. The plan was to drive Bobby around in the van while my wife took Katie to the doctor…but it was not to be. Bobby got fussy in the van after a few minutes so we went to wait for them in the receptionist area.
Bobby enjoyed pushing the little table and chair around the floor in the reception area. He wouldn’t eat any baby food but did enjoy Trader Joe’s rockets. After a while Katie and my wife emerged. The test for Strep Throat came out negative but she did have a virus.
When we got home I made a nice cold facecloth by rinsing it under cold water. Katie put it on her forehead and that helped her sleep (see photo to the right).