Day #2501 (Tue., Nov. 8, 2016) – Election Day
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Today is election day here in the United States so there was no school for Katie. The whole country is on pins & needles waiting for the outcome of Clinton vs. Trump. We will know by tonight…or at least in the weee hours of tomorrow.
My wife has an appointment to take the cats to the vet so I had to stay home from work this morning to take care of Bobby. If he was sleeping I could have attended the 10am status call…but he was up so it was not to be.
When the time came to round the cats up for their visit to the vet Batman was nowhere to be seen. There was a frantic rush to find him…but we did in the end. Great. There are getting their shots today and it would have been horrible to have taken Robin to the vet and have had to take Batman again in the future. As you can tell by the photo to the right they enjoyed the visit immensely. Batman needs $800 – $1600 work done on his teeth.
Katie was feeling better so she went to the vet with my wife but was real tired and sick by the time she got home. It looks like the ibuprofin wore off.
Bobby has taken to watching a show called A.N.T. Farm (i.e.: “Advanced Natural Talents”) on Netflix. It is a television show more to Katie’s liking but I think he likes the fact that there is a laugh track. I notice that he likes shows like Seinfeld as there is lots of action and a laugh track. He has a very small attention span for cartoons that don’t have music or songs associated with them.