Day #2505 (Sat., Nov. 12, 2016) – Meeting Karen
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Karen came over to meet us at 9am this morning. She is interviewing for the nanny position for Bobby as Arnesa will be having her baby soon. Talk about cutting it close…her baby could be here any minute.
Karen comes with very high praise from her previous employers. The kids warmed up to her right way. Katie showed Karen her collection of Shopkins. She has a cat which is certainly a plus in Katie’s eyes. Bobby felt so comfortable with her that he asked her to pick him up and she cradled him in her arms. She loves chocolate of all sorts and is allergic to coconut. We still have to work out the details but it looks like she will be starting next week sometime.
When Karen left and Bobby went to bed for his nap my wife went to bed for a nap. Katie snuggled up in the bed to watch “Ant Farm” on Netflix. I brought her a bowl of popcorn.
Bobby really likes the YouTube series “PancakeManor”. They have children’s songs and animations but with a “rocky” style of music, such as “Old MacDonald” (see photo and link to the right). The good thing about this series is that you can put one episode on and it will just roll into the next. We’ve noticed that when you put something like “Mary Poppins” on the videos will eventually migrate to something not even remotely similar.