Day #2528 (Mon., Dec. 5, 2016) – Bunny From Santa?
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Katie was singing Jingle Bells on the way to Glenwood this morning. I’ve got to find time to learn that on the guitar. Katie expressed her desire for a bunny rabbit…she said she was going to ask Santa for one.

I got an email from my former chiropractor. She just had a baby…incidentally on the same day as Arnesa.
We have been having difficulties in getting a package from FedEx. Last Friday we got a note that it was left on the truck. On Saturday we were told that the driver could not find the address…even though we have a solar light blaring out 108 at the end of our driveway. My wife complained to the company that she bought the goods from and that did the trick…the package arrived today. I wonder how some people are able to keep their jobs?
I went to Trader Joe’s this evening for supplies. My wife cleaned the fridge yesterday so it’s time to “fill it up again”. Katie wanted some popsicles so I got her a “3-layer” type (see photo to the right). I also picked up some chocolate waffles of all things…she “might” like them. Wait til Bobby starts making requests of what he wants… Spiderman cereal?