Day #2534 (Sun., Dec. 11, 2016) – Small Cakes
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I took Katie to SmallCakes in Durham near where I work this afternoon…effectively Daddy/Daughter Day #52. I wanted to leave early but it didn’t open til noon. She chose the “Sundae” cupcake because it had a cherry on top (see photo to the right). It cost close to $6…but we got a frequent buyer card so that for every six cupcakes you purchase you get one free.
The plan was to purchase the cupcake and then drive over to Wendy’s for lunch. Katie sure loves Wendy’s hamburgers. I got her one in the Kid’s Meal that she requested. I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this last Saturday when we went to the Wendy’s in Hillsborough.
When we were done our lunch, and Katie effectively licked the top of the cupcake, we packaged the cupcake back in the little pink box they gave us and drove home. Katie promptly put the frequent buyer card in her wallet for safe keeping.
This afternoon Katie and Bobby devised a new game. Climbing on top of the ottoman that my wife rests her feet on and jumping into a pile of pillows below. They loved this game and a side benefit is that it tires them out so they will be easier to put to bed. This works in theory. Katie was out early but Bobby refused to go to bed. We’re thinking of bringing the trampoline into the house so that they can use that for exercise during the winter.