Day #2537 (Wed., Dec. 14, 2016) – Jump Barn
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On the way to Glenwood this morning I told Katie that when we were in Canada our mothers always told us to not put our tongue on any flagpole or metal when it was cold outside. This led to a discussion of how you would get stuck and need to call an ambulance. It’s good for Katie to know these things. Even though it does not get freezing in North Carolina very often it does happen and you should always be prepared.
Katie had another piano lesson this evening. Miss Laura continues to be impressed with her progress.
Katie was eating frozen cherries this evening and Bobby came up to her with his tongue lapping in and out (which means that he wants some). We gave him some and he liked it. So much so that he went to get more from his mother in the kitchen.
Bobby is enjoying sending all sorts of things down the Hot Wheels track that we gave him for Thanksgiving. This includes little farm animals and those “frozen footballs” that people put into their cocktail drinks to keep them cool. We even devised a “Jump Barn” for the end of the track (see photo to the right).