Day #2540 (Sat., Dec. 17, 2016) – Neighborhood Holiday Party
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Bobby is showing some interest in putting a ball through the hoop so I thought I would encourage this behavior. This afternoon I went to Lowe’s to get some brackets and accessories to secure the basketball hoop that my wife and I got last September to the back of a chair. In this way Bobby can do “hoops” wherever we decide to put the chair.
This evening I picked up Katie at Chapel Hill Gymnastics. Helen and Sophi were having their birthday party there. We then drove home so Katie could change and we all packed into the Camry for the drive over to James & Laura’s house as they are hosting a Christmas Party this year.
I spent most of the time sitting on the couch as my leg was not the best, but I did keep an eye on Katie and Bobby. They were having so much fun running about. Wyatt had a pair of Spiderman glasses that were way cool…I’ve got to get a pair of those for Bobby. He ate quite a bit of cheese and gelatin shaped like a big worm (see photo to the left).
I saw Kelly at the party, a girl I used to work with. She had the office near my boss David’s.