Day #2561 (Sat., Jan. 7, 2017) – The Snow Has Arrived!

2017-01-07 - SnowThe snow has arrived (see photo to the right).

The kids went out to play in the snow this morning. This was the first time that Bobby has actually played in snow and he loved it. My wife dressed him up warmly so that when he came in his body was toasty warm. Only his cheeks (on his face) were rosy red and cold to the touch.

My wife went for a nap this afternoon so I tended to Katie. We played a game of checkers and then I showed her the various chess moves. I think it was a bit more complicated than she thought it would be. She kept trying to capture pieces with checkers moves and when I explained to her the various movements of the various pieces she lost interest.

Helen came over to play this afternoon. Her mother asked her if she wanted to bring her sled. She said no but regretted it once she came and so back home to get it they went.

Bobby has learned to stand on “Tippy Toes” and while prance around when I say the words.

Bobby has learned to say “mouse”.