Day #2564 (Tue., Jan. 10, 2017) – Eyes, Nose, Ears & Throat Appointment

It’s still rather slippery outside so I worked from home today as well. I did manage to get out later this afternoon so I think I will be able to go to work tomorrow.

Karen is still sick. She has taken about four rounds of anti-biotics now…

2017-01-10 - TJ's LicoriceOn the way back from the gym this afternoon I stopped off at Trader Joe’s. They are now selling strawberry licorice (see photo to the left). I know Katie will love them and perhaps Wyatt too when he comes over to visit.

My wife got an appointment with the eye, nose and throat doctor for Katie next Monday. It is a holiday so we won’t need to juggle any work commitments.

This afternoon I showed Bobby how to create a little throwing device out of five popsicle sticks. He got a kick out of how they explode upon impact.

Bobby has this hard golf ball that he will play with from time-to-time. He likes to throw it. I need to hide it in case he accidentally hits the television.