Day #2567 (Fri., Jan. 13, 2017) – Wall Spinner
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Tomorrow is the day in which we will be celebrating Katie’s 7th Birthday! Yes, it is finally here!
My wife took the day off work to clean up the plate. There is a lot to do before everyone arrives tomorrow afternoon. Instead of having the tables in the dining room my wife moved them to the living room area (near the cat tree) so that there will be more space for the kids to sit down. The plan is to put the pinata on one of the wings of the fan in the dining room.
Katie got yet another award at school today. This one was for being the “Best Kid At Recess”. I can understand why…she is very helpful and a joy to be around.
This evening I attached the spinner to the wall in the dining room area (see photo to the right). A couple of nails and tacks and a bit of duct tape will do the trick…at least for tomorrow.
It looks like my main job tomorrow will be taking care of Bobby and making sure he is healthy and happy and stays out of trouble.