Day #2570 (Mon., Jan. 16, 2017) – MLK Day
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It’s MLK Day here in the US so both my wife and I are off work and Katie is off school. Bobby is, well, like everyday, roaming around and having fun.
Bobby threw up in the middle of the night so both my wife and I slept in this morning. We were exhausted caring for him.
Katie had a doctor’s appointment at 1:15pm this afternoon. As we were driving the van over she threw up all over her dress. She is obviously still sick with whatever Bobby has. At any rate my wife had to take her leotards off and she went to the doctor’s visit in her dress.
They performed an ear test on her and everything was fine. Not sure what the deal was, but it looks like it might have been fluid on the ear. The ear doctor also said that they don’t have sound free rooms to do tests in regular doctor’s offices so there might have been surrounding sound that worked its way into the results.
The toilet in the main bathroom is clogged up so I went to Lowe’s to get a snake. It did work…for a bit. In fact, I found a Spiderman figurine in the process (see photo to the right). Alas, it is still not working, so we are going to have to get a plumber come and take care of it tomorrow.