Day #2571 (Tue., Jan. 17, 2017) – The Elephant, A River, And The Jungle Story
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The photo to the left shows the toy doll that was in the doctor’s office yesterday. When you pushed its tummy its mouth would move and different sounds would come out. I guess this is a way to keep younger kids distracted and interested when you are doing hearing tests on them.
Katie is still recovering so there is no school for her today. She is better today than yesterday, but she is still not 100%.
The plumber brought a special tool today and was able to clear the toilet drain with brute force. Unfortunately we have no idea what was in the drain and clogging it up. I suspect it was the Duplo Spiderman that Bobby got for Christmas. Oh well, he will be getting another one for his birthday.
My wife was exhausted so I stayed up late and put Katie to bed this evening. She wanted a story so I asked her to pick three things and I would make a story out of it. She chose an elephant, a river, and the jungle. I told a story of how the elephant went to visit his cousin in the city and on the way home he could not get back to the jungle as there was a river in the way. He tore the tree down with his trunk, placed it across the river, and went home to the jungle. Katie loved it…