Day #2584 (Mon., Jan. 30, 2017) – Homeschooling Helen
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My wife told me that Susan is considering homeschooling Helen in a year or so.
Bobby loves to play with the school bus shown in the photo to the right. I will sing “Wheels On The Bus” and move the various parts and he eats it up…
Ginger found her way over to our house this evening. It appears that two things this country needs are a good cat door and a good dog fence.
The labradoodle is quite an amazing animal. It appears that they get their temperament from the labrador-side, their fur from the poodle-side, and their brains from neither side. Ginger thought that she saw the tennis ball roll under the television set this evening and I spent a good deal of time looking at her rear-end as she tried to crawl under the television to get it. My wife had to move the television to try and find the ball before Ginger destroyed it. In the end we could not find it so out Ginger went…while we still have a home to put her out of…
Katie’s piano playing is coming along nicely. My wife told me that Anna, Katie’s former preschool classmate, will be taking piano lessons with Miss Laura soon.
Bobby sure misses his daddy. I can’t go to the bathroom without him following me so that I don’t leave him. When he does see me leave the room he will cry til I come back.