Day #2589 (Sat., Feb. 4, 2017) – Chloe’s Birthday Party
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The photo to the right shows the “Happy Birthday Banner” that I picked up at the Dollar Store yesterday. It will make a welcome addition to Bobby’s birthday party.
Hannah took Katie to Choloe’s birthday party at the Hillsborough Skating Rink this afternoon. They fed them pizza, but not enough, so Hannah took her to Burger King afterwards for a snack. Certainly a “no frills” birthday party…my wife even had to pay for skates for Hannah as it was not included.
Bobby has a rash on one side of his leg and stomach. My wife called up Dalia and it looks like it might be related to pee. She told us to keep an eye on it and bath him in chamomile tea.
Bobby came up to me this evening with one sharp knife. Daddy put an end to that. I took this knife and the other sharp one and hid them. I’ll bring them out when the kids are in college.
Katie went to bed early this evening. She was looking pale and might be coming down with something. Daddy doesn’t feel all that good either and went to bed early as well.