Day #2592 (Tue., Feb. 7, 2017) – Katie Wants To Play Soccer!

2017-02-07 - PianoThe photo to the right shows one of the piano pieces that Katie is practicing as of late.

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie was describing the game that the kids play during recess. It involved Max taking a jacket but the rules of the game were not that clear. It appears that it was something like a game of tag. plays jackets. Max takes

Low and behold Katie has requested to play soccer this year. Who would have thought she would want to give soccer another go. I’m not sure what brought this on, but perhaps it is because Helen loves to play soccer.

Katie has talked about quitting dance in order to take soccer but my wife will not let her. The way she dances about the house it’s hard to imagine her not in dance class.Quit dance?

There is this game that I have been playing with Bobby as of late. I will put my finger to my mouth and say “Shh shh Ironman” and then all of a sudden go “Yah” and throw my hands in the air. I think that Bobby loves all the excitement.