Day #2596 (Sat., Feb. 11, 2017) – Ca Ca Ma Ca
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Katie saw Robin roaming around in our backyard this morning and insisted that I put the photo in the blog (see photo to the right).
I went to the gym this morning and stopped off at Lowe’s to get three bags of sand for the sandbox. I told my wife to put two in the “green turtle” and keep one on hand in case Bobby throws all the other sand away.
While I was at Trader Joe’s I picked up a Hyacynth flower and a chocolate heart-shaped cake for Katie for being such a good big sister to Bobby.
Bobby really knows his super heroes even if he can’t say their names correctly. He says “Ca Ca Ma Ca” for Captain America. I read him one of his Spiderman books and I guess “Thor” was new to him. He already knew of the “Beast”.
I sat with Bobby in the bathroom this evening as he was taking a bath. I showed him how to swing Spiderman from the shower hose.