Day #2605 (Mon., Feb. 20, 2017) – President’s Day
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Today is President’s Day here in the United States but I am the only one in our family who gets the day off from work. Even my wife, who usually gets all the holidays off, had to work.
My wife let me sleep in this morning and took Katie to school. On the drive home, she dropped my Camry at the shop so that it could get some maintenance work done and walked home.
Karen called in sick today so my wife ended up taking care of Bobby. I chipped in when I could and fed him before his nap so that my wife could get some work done.
Once Bobby was in bed I was off to run some errands. I was hoping to get a nice dip in the pool this afternoon but it was down for maintenance. My wife asked me to pick up some toy handcuffs at the Dollar Store for some upcoming event at Katie’s school, but all I could find was a cowboy set (see photo to the right). I did go to Trader Joe’s and get a huge selection of groceries. We were out of almost everything. There was a fresh fruit medley that I picked up for Katie. My wife said that she really liked it.
When Bobby got up from his nap we packed up the kids and drove to the car repair shop to pick up the Camry. Almost $1000 in repairs. Ouch… Such is the case with a 20 year old car. I keep reminding myself that this is only two monthly payments for $500…something that people with new cars do for years.
Bobby was fascinated with the car repair shop. It’s the sort of place that he would love to hang out in when he gets older. All those wheels…
Katie wanted to drive back with me in the Camry but Bobby put up such a fuss in the van that she hopped back to the van again.