Day #2614 (Wed., Mar. 1, 2017) – “No Way”
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Houston, we have a raccoon (see photo to the right). I got up in the middle of the night to check the trap and thought we didn’t catch one since the guy said there would be this awful racket and we would beg him to come out and pick the trap up. Well, he was wrong again. I opened up the door to the washing room and there it was…two little eyes peering up at me. I closed the door and put a note on my wife’s door “We have a raccoon” and went to bed. I’ll deal with it when the light comes up.
Before going to work in the morning I took the wires off that attached the trap to the chicken wire. The little raccoon snarled at me when I came close. I was sure not to touch the cage so he would scratch me or bite me. That’s all I need…rabies. I could see blood on his little hands as he was desperately trying to dig his way out of the cage.
On the drive to Glenwood Katie was mentioning how the raccoon was feeling and how scared he must be to be trapped and away from his family. All I could think of was that we caught the critter. Bye bye…
Katie was dressed up as Maya The Bee this morning as it is “Dress Up As Your Favorite Character” day at Glenwood. I guess that there was only one other person who dressed up…as Batman. I think parents are so frazzled and overworked and stressed that they really don’t have time to tend to these little details anymore.
The guy came by 8am and picked up the trap. We didn’t get the bill yet, but it could be $150 to drop off the trap and $50 to come and pick it up. I’ll have to figure out my bill for helping him to catch the trap and send him my bill.
“No Way” seems to be Bobby’s favorite saying these days. I’m not sure where he picked this saying up but it seems to be his response to anything you ask him…especially if he doesn’t like the YouTube video you put on for him to watch.