Day #2620 (Tue., Mar. 7, 2017) – “Good Side” Of The Mango Game
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Katie was ecstatic that a couple more boys have joined the “Good Side” of the Mango game that they play at recess. She really enjoys it and talks about it all the time. She said that she gets mad when the teacher calls them in from recess. Too bad they couldn’t have more time to jump and play. It seems that they study too hard and don’t get enough physical activity. Couldn’t they incorporate some study and learning into playtime? Make a physical game out of it somehow?
After dropping Katie off I stopped by Harris-Teeter to get some “Mega Stuff” Oreos (see photo to the right). These are needed to make the Spiderman pops as regular and even “double stuff” Oreos are not thick enough as the lollipop stick will break the cookie in two.
I came home at 4pm today as I felt the flu coming on. After a nap and seven of those remarkable pills I felt better. It’s amazing what’s in those pills…they sure do the trick.
Bobby scraped his knee today. We don’t remember Katie falling down so much.