Day #2622 (Thu., Mar. 9, 2017) – Nerdy Nummies Spiderman Pops
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I was up at 5am again this morning. Time to put the spider webs and some eyes on those Nerdy Nummies Spiderman Pops. Well, it didn’t turn out exactly as I had hoped. The smallest tip that I could find brought out too much black candy to make the webs look distinct enough. In addition, it was harder to make Spiderman’s eyes without a template. I did create one pop, though. I’ll regroup and create the rest this evening (or early tomorrow morning).
At noon today, I went to Party City to get some finer tip candy dispensers. I also stopped off at the Dollar Store to get a couple of red tablecloths as my wife requested.
Dance class for Katie today. She’s perfecting her “carousel horse” routine.
This evening I assembled the Nerdy Nummies Spiderman Pops (see photo to the right). Before he went to bed Bobby wanted to help. We ended up sitting at the table where he threw all the toothpicks and popsicle sticks on the floor. Eventually, we got into the balloons. I blew one up and released it and Bobby chased it. He got a real kick out of that, but he really liked it when I let the air from the balloon out on my face and made funny faces. He laughed and laughed.
This has turned out to be much more of an ordeal than I originally anticipated. I think the problem is that I don’t have the right equipment. My wife was telling me that Arnesa has a little syringe that she uses to dispense icing. That would be much more convenient than a ziplock bag.