Day #2634 (Tue., Mar. 21, 2017) – Katie’s Hives
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My wife took Katie to school this morning so I got a chance to sleep in.
My wife and I went to see the doctor again this morning. While we were there my wife got an email that Miss Wang had her baby. We went to Carolina Cafe for soup and quiche afterward. Reminded us of the times we used to go to lunch after getting an ultrasound before Bobby was born.
When I came home from work this evening my wife showed me the hives on Katie’s back. There were four of them but as they got larger the morphed into two big ones. What’s up with Katie these days? She seems to be sick quite a bit. Nobody seems to know what the deal is…
After a trip to the gym this evening I decided that I would drop off at Wal-Greens. They had the robots that Bobby loves so much (see photo to the left). Three of them for under $15. My wife and I are toying with the idea of perhaps giving them out as birthday gifts when we go to the birthdays of Bobby’s future classmates. Having said that, he likes these robots so much that we might just give them to him at some point.
Every time Bobby comes into the bedroom he will rearrange something or take something out of a box. It’s becoming quite a repository of “stuff” these days. It’s hard to keep up with Bobby as he loves to get into things.