Day #2636 (Thu., Mar. 23, 2017) – Bobby Draws A Car
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Katie was not feeling well again this morning so my wife kept her home from school. In talking to her it looks like things are fine at school. She doesn’t lie, so she must not be feeling well these days.
My wife purchased the movie “Moana” for her to watch. It was recommended by Dr. Homan.
Bobby is, as we have stated often enough, into cars. He drew the car shown in the drawing to the left today. Pretty much looks like a car don’t you think? Not bad for a 2-year old!
Bobby was playing with the access badge to daddy’s work this evening. Being a boy he would pull it to the very length of the string and let it go.
Katie was eating jello on the couch this evening and I asked my wife why she didn’t have whipped cream on it. We always did as kids. My wife had never heard of it. We kept this to ourselves…Katie doesn’t need more sugar anyway.
When you try to feed Bobby these days he will often say “push” as he pushes your hand away from his mouth. A sure sign that he either has had enough, or wants to watch something different on the tv.