Day #2641 (Tue., Mar. 28, 2017) – Checklist For Bobby
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My wife went to the office today so I stayed home to take care of Bobby since we don’t have a nanny anymore. Katie was a great help, especially during the one time that I had to take part in a call-in meeting for work. I’ll have to give her a great Daddy/Daughter Day to pay her back.
The image to the left shows the “checklist” that my wife set up for Bobby. He was supposed to be asleep by 2:05pm but that was not to be the case. He didn’t go to sleep til about an hour later.
Bobby threw crayons all over the place today.
The search is on for a replacement nanny for Karen. My wife lined up a few interviews today. Our first interview will be tomorrow at 6pm so I need to rush home from work.