Day #2649 (Wed., Apr. 5, 2017) – Bye Da Da
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On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie told me that she is mad at Max and Victor as they teased Helen about the cheerleader outfit she wore to school yesterday. Katie told me that she and Helen had some “secret talk”…which means a discussion between just the two of them I believe. Katie told Helen that she needed to speak to them about it but she didn’t want to.
Bobby is really into the Hulk these days. The photo to the right show’s daddy’s rendition via drawing… Bobby recognized the Hulk in it, which is really all that matters.
My wife told me that Katie tried out her acting ability on Miss Laura this afternoon during piano lessons. Looks like she is really looking forward to acting class this summer. Just what we need in our house…an actress.
When I got home from the gym this evening Bobby wanted a drive in the car. He sometimes has problems honking the horn but that was not the case this evening. I had to pull him away from the wheel lest he wake the neighbors up.
Bobby has become a real “chatter box” as of late. He’s learning more and more words every day it seems. My wife was feeding him in the high chair this evening and as I left to go to bed he said “Bye da da”.