Day #2651 (Fri., Apr. 7, 2017) – Gluten Intolerant?
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Katie woke up by herself this morning. My wife was saying that I should put her to bed every evening. I told her that it was probably a novelty for Katie and it would wear off…
My wife has been calling me more and more when I am on the road. Bobby wants to talk. The thing is, he clams up once I’m on the phone. I will usually go through my antics: “Are you the Hulk? Urghhh… Are you the Rhino? Urghhh Are you Iron Man? Are you Spiderman?”.
Christine took Bobby to the library today. They found a red truck book and played with Clifford and various things.
I went to Trader Joe’s for groceries this evening. My wife especially wanted avocados. I picked up some frozen mango for Katie (see photo to the left).
We are in the process of planning an Easter egg hunt. There were no Easter eggs available at Sam’s Club this year but there seem to be plenty online via Amazon. The question now becomes how many kids to invite?
We are wondering more and more if Katie is gluten intolerant? She ware tired after easing pancakes…but she was also tired after eating strawberries.