Day #2653 (Sun., Apr. 9, 2017) – Jelly Bean Up Nose
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When I work up this morning my wife was out in the garden doing some planting. I have no idea where we are going to get the time to maintain it?
We gave Bobby a fire truck and ambulance today (see photo to the left). We thought he would really go for the ambulance, but it was the fire truck that really took his fancy.
I went to the gym this afternoon and while I was there I got a call from my wife. Bobby was in bed and she was going to bed for a nap and Katie really wanted someone to play with. I rushed home and we spent the afternoon organizing animals on the living room floor.
When Bobby got up from his nap I gave the kids some pear slices and frozen black cherries.
This afternoon Bobby managed to stick a jelly bean up his nose. My wife tells me that this is a boy thing…girls rarely do this sort of thing. Fortunately we were able to pick it out without a visit to the emergency room.